Dis Rojanasopondist - Professional Photographer,

Hi, I’m Dis, and I like to think of myself as a time traveler. You see, the images and photos I’ve captured from the world and all its beauty is something words couldn’t ever completely convey. They say “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Why not 10,000? A photograph to me, can convey 10,000 words in an instant. It is nostalgia, quite delicate but potent. It is the emotions that you feel and have felt. My camera is… sort of like a time machine. It goes backwards and forwards and takes you to a place where we ache to go again… A place where we know we are loved.

People often tell me to see the world through their eyes. I invite you to see through mine. Since the age of 12 I’ve been diagnosed with juvenile advanced glaucoma and by the age of 16 I lost my right eye. I’ve had 48 glaucoma surgeries/procedures to prevent any further damage to my optic nerve to this date. I still don’t know what the future will bring in terms of my sight, but as of right here, right now I am able to see a little bit through my left eye. You might be wondering why I chose to be a photographer despite being visually impaired... Photography is a gift to me. It allows me to see again. The moment I align the viewfinder with my left eye, I find that the world stops. The light that travels through people’s smiles miraculously converges through my lens, allowing me to secure a moment in time that we can always travel back to. So I ask you this... What can I capture for you? Allow me to express my art for you with the limited time I have left with my sight. I love to create images that will last a lifetime and beyond.
